renewal after burnout

Everything is telling you:

“I can’t do this any more.”

You know this, you feel this deeply.

And yet:

  • You have important things to accomplish
  • A full life
  • And a culture whose response to your burnout is "Why don't to take Friday off? Oh and Monday too if you need it"

You need quick impact and sustainable change to end your burnout.

These 8-Steps bring together my journey of radical healing and lifelong transformation after I ignored my burnout to the point of no return.

The 8-Steps include:

  • Science specific to burnout for women
  • Mindset maps and processes
  • Timeless wisdom from yoga and ayurveda therapy
  • Embodiment practices

Feel Rested.
Feel Relief.
Feel Renewed.

feel renewed

get the 8-steps

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